Elizabeth, I am just now learning what I want to do with the board but I either use masonite or MDF panels. I have done one that I primed with gesso and them applied the pastel ground (made by Golden). That was fine but added more texture from the gesso than I wanted. This particular one was on MDF which I lightly sanded (very lightly). I did not apply gesso. I made a mildly diluted batch of the ground and added a little bit of Golden's matte acrylic to give it a color. I then took a big Purdy house paint brush for trim which is about 3 inches wide and swooshed on the ground. While still wet, I delicately swooshed back over it with the brush----very delicately in one direction. After that was dry I did the brush routine again in the other direction. That gave almost a linen weave look to it and a great texture. I recommend trying it. I think I will use it for all my larger pieces. I'll probably stick with Ampersand Pastelbord for the smaller standard size stuff. It's great to have options and it saves a lot of money.
I don't know if I could do pastels with gloves on but I might just give it a shot. My fingers really hurt today. Thanks for the reminder about oils from fingers. Any oil I had has been sucked out. I need a lotion fix.
Let me know if you try it. I'd like to hear your thoughts and discoveries.
Sharon, thank you for the info. I didn't know oils were used for tinting. I thought phtoographers used special tints. I haven't seen a regular photo in years since the computer age but it sounds like a good thing to try.
All of your comments are greatly appreciated. Please don't ever hesitate to speak your mind. Everything I learn here helps make me better even though it doesn't always show in the work.