I decided to take Jimmie Arroyo's lead and post this here.
My first stab at pastels. Come to think of it, it's my first children's portrait! Yulia is the very special, 4 year-old daughter of a dear friend of mine in Ukraine. I took this picture on election day there, at one of the precincts while her mother was voting. She was just so cute, all bundled up like that. She's a very happy, very funny (but she doesn't know it - yet) little girl. I just smile every time I think of her.
I probably bit off more than I could chew. My goal in this one was just to see if I could get the pastels under control. I was afraid if I experimented too much, I'd end up with a muddy mess and resolve to never go near the stuff again. I'm pretty happy with it as a rendering - though I still have little issues with it - partly because, again, it wasn't the best reference photo.
The background gave me fits - I almost tore it up. When I took the photo, Yulia was sitting on a bench in front of this very colorful tapestry. The sun was setting and the light was streaming in through a stain glass window (!!!....I know...) onto her cute litte face. It made for a nice photo, but...I tried to do the tapestry and it was horrendous. In exasperation, I just blacked out the background. It looked much better.
As far as materials - I don't have a clue what I'm doing. If I worked on the background any more I'd expect holes to appear.
Anyway, please tell me what you think - pro and con - critiques welcome! Right now I can't "see" it. I'm cross-eyed.