Steven, LOL, I can't stop laughing! Oh, I am sorry - you were serious?
Linda, my monitor top is not very impressive, just my wonderful PowerBook. I believe Garth, Michael G. and Bill W. have the cool set ups!
Scott Bingham - side note; do I recommend this fella for an easel, it has been wonderful dealing with him he has even sent me pictures of the three bolts I need to fix upon arrival - sent me this jpeg when he crated my easel for travels.
I received a call from the shipping company today, and remember the picture I posted of our house with the snow? Well... we are 1/2 mile off the main street and they will not come up our drive.
This baby weighs 200 lbs. Scott say's the easel is around 150 lbs. so now I have to find some young muscular type Santa guys to get it off the truck into something else then to my house and up the steps.
Would anyone like to visit?