OK... well am finally getting around to trying a portrait in oils!
This 'underpainting' is basically to get used to the paints and how they handle and to get an initial likeness. I plan to paint over it with color once am happy with the likeness (and once it dries for several days, I guess).
I'm finding the oils handle very differently than the acrylics -- everything
moves and I keep putting my hand

in the paint!! But the painting does seem to go a whole lot quicker.
I know I've got to:
- lighten some of the shadows in her mouth and on her left cheek
- soften the hairline (though I may wait for color phase to do that)
- maybe tweak the shape of her eyes a bit?
- oh and adjust the wing of her nose. . .
So have at it -- advice/critique/suggestions welcome!
Oil on Canvas
12" x 9"