How did you do it?
Hello Everyone,
I am fairly new to this site, and have recently introduced myself. I am two years out on my own since my training. I've done 10 commissions ranging from 10" x 8" to 30" x 20" drawings and oil paintings prices from 100 to 3000 dollars.
I've been reading this business section for a short while and have yet to see my question. The question that's been eating at me and is constantly on my mind.
How did you do it? How did you become a full time portrait artist? How do I become a full time portrait artist? Where do I go from here?
I have ideas and have gathered suggestions from this site. Such as setting up a web site and going to your local news paper. I'm of course like most of us working with a very limited budget, and wondering where it would be best to focus my energies.
Basically, I'm feeling a bit lost in the dark right now. So, if anyone has a match they could lend, a flashlight, compass, or even GPS to help me find my way it would be greatly appreciated.
Brian Williams