Whitaker Workshop
I just got home from Bill Whitaker's workshop at the Scottsdale Artist's School. All I can say is that anyone who would like to study with him should sign up as soon as next year's class is scheduled.... because it's going to fill up fast.
I learned SO much I can barely begin to catalog it all in my mind. New ways to work with color, new ways of seeing, new thoughts about surfaces to work on, etc, etc, etc -- and a bunch of new friends from all over!
Once I unpack and rest my brain (which is now so stuffed full of art thoughts that it will take some time to sort out) I'll post more details and photos from the class.
SOG Forum members Linda Tracey Brandon, Chris Saper, Patrick Gillooly, Gary Hoff, Michael Georges and Beth Schott also attended and between us all I'm sure this thread will eventually contain a pretty full description of what the workshop was like.
More later. Time to unwind....