Steven, stop sitting on your brushes.
Thanks, Sharon, I'd been looking for them ... well,
almost everywhere, I now realize. Your timing is good, as I'm wrapping up my first SOG stint and heading out to the easel. (P.S. I'm only moody when the meds wear off, or when I'm awake, or dreaming.)
The messy pastels. Plain white Canson Mi-Tientes paper, smooth side. I would like to return to them someday, but at the time I was paying a lot of money to learn oil painting, so that's where I invested my efforts.
One of the "techniques" was very long, sharp pencils and charcoal sticks, shaped with sandpaper blocks, together with kneaded erasers molded to very fine points. Before you know it, eighty hours are gone and you've got yourself a drawing.