I've knocked the light areas way back, and made her dress more "black". Actually I've done much more that that. I believe that the biggest problem here is my choice of medium. Mischa, you mentioned something about "oily charcoal pencils", and I think this as caused some of my problems in lifting off the charcoal. I used a mix of vine charcoal, General charcoal pencils, and black conte. Some areas simply refused to "lift" and may be due to the oil you speak of. I also use my fingers extensively, and I would imagine that any oil would also be deposited on the drawing. There are dark round spots that refuse to be erased! Next time I will limit my choices to vine charcoal only, and blend with the appropriate tools. I am also going to choose a simpler subject to start with and learn the medium before I tackle a complex subject like this. When I mix my types of charcoal, I will do it with knowledge, not just because it is there.
Thank you, this has been a tremendous learning experience!
Also, I stopped at her hands-----just didn't want to work on this any more. My photography skills are less than to be desired. Somehow the light areas are too light, her dress is actually quite black, and softened much more than the photo shows.