Women in the Arts
I've just received a solicitation for contributions to the National Museum of Women in the Arts. My first question to all of you, is have you heard of this organization and are they legitimate? I'm a sustaining member of our local Orlando Museum of Art and would love to support a cause as worthy as the one they presented in this mailing, however, I'm not interested in empty mailing for money schemes and I don't get out enough to know the details of this organization.
Secondly, the statistics they presented, "Only one percent of art work exhibited on the world today are by women artist" is an unfortunate fact, that I would like to help change. Are there any other efforts underway that can use all the support they can get?
I'm sure as I'm breathing, that these statistics are not due to a lack of women artists. I see our membership is full of extremely talented women. So, it's the business end, of art that could use some enlightenment.
This Sagittarian loves a good cause.
ALWAYS REMEMBER Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by
the moments that take our breath away.