Clear acrylic gesso
I have a bottle of Liquitex clear acrylic gesso. Have any of you used this or anything similar to prepare a surface for painting in oils? The label claims it can be used for this purpose.
What I want to do is make a pencil drawing on watercolor paper, glue the paper to a panel, use a small paint roller to roll on several coats of the clear acrylic gesso, and then paint over it in oils.
I realize that as the oil paint becomes more transparent over time, the pencil drawing will show through, but aside from that, I'm wondering if there are any archival concerns with this process. For instance, in my experiments, I found the texture to be fairly gritty. I liked painting on that toothiness, but when it's dry I want to see if bits of grit fall off and take bits of paint with them.
I will continue to experiment and post the results if there is interest. Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome.