Percentages, framing, promotional materials, etc.
Hi Artists,
Gradually I'm getting my work noticed. A new framing gallery in town, with high-end art, not production art, is representing my portraits. Another gallery in Tallahassee has contacted me for portraits, landscapes, nudes.
I've had gallery representation for 25 years in Leesburg, but they really didn't sell much. My gallery in Sarasota has slowly sold a few landscapes.
The new one charges 40%. The other new one charges 25% - this one is a go-getter, high energy, art-pusher. The 25% gallery would like (but doesn't insist) that I reduce my prices to reflect their lower percentage. But I want to have the same prices across the board in every gallery, even if they are 200 miles apart. Should I lower prices at the first gallery or stick to the higher prices for all? (I think I know the answer.)
Another question is about framing galleries. The one in Leesburg, and now this one, want to put my portrait examples in their frames. (Can't blame them; I frame as cheaply as possible.) I did buy their $150 (wholesale) frame so they could display my work in their choice of frame. (That's about 10 times what I normally spend on frames.) But in the future, how do I deal with framing galleries who want to show my work in their frames, and how do I know if their "wholesale" cost is really wholesale without insulting and challenging them by asking for the invoice? And how do I diplomatically say, well that's a nice choice, but let's put it in a $75 frame instead, when they are really trying to show off my work and theirs to best advantage.
Any other advice regarding gallery percentages, pricing, framing, etc. will be most welcome.
I'm a graphic artist, so I'm creating portfolios, resumes, and whatever else these galleries might need to promote me. Not sure, however, what is best to send them. Any advice on this?
Thanks in advance!
Melanie Peter