Originally Posted by Sharon Knettell
I have personally used Gamvar and find it to be a lovely clear, leveling varnish. One of the caveats of sucessful varnishing is to do it on a dry day. As this was developed in the rather damp northwest I would say this is a very safe varnish to use.
Golden Paints has just released a new archival spray varnish, that I believe can be used on oils. I find Golden's technical support and products excellent. They do a great deal of product research and are generally on the cutting edge. Mike Townsend has been very helpful and knowledgeable. www.goldenpaints.com
Golden's new spray is indeed for paintings as well as pastels. This is a painting varnish spray I would be interested in using when I get back to painting. The folks at Golden have been working on this for a long time, doing great deal of testing and research. Somehow varnishing paintings gives me the hebeejeebies! I once brushed on a retouch varnish on a painting that wasn't quite ready and smeared the whole thing. What a mess!