Marv . . . you're right
Yes, yes -- I understand, and I have not a whit of argument with anything you said. Aliz is cool when compared to cad red. Ultramarine is warm compared to Purssian (in my opinion). But, both reds are warm and both blues are cool.
I use that on a relative basis, also. If my colors are predominately red/orange, I can still let my eyes dance around the subject and pick up (probably subjectively) cool and warm spots within the overall scene, albeit they may be all red.
Hope I'm making sense here. It works for me because it starts me in the right direction. Once I've establishe what the value is, whether it is "relatively" warm(er) or cool(er), and so on, I find it not too difficult to proceed. I'm going to study your note (above), however, because there is some good info, there.
Thanks for your patience.