Hi Karin!
My stuff was priced alot higher. The originals went from $500 for colored pencil on canson mi-tintes (glicee repro on arches at $95) to $2000-$2500 still-lifes (oil) ($250 for giclee on canvas). I had an oil portrait (14x18) going for $3500 ($450 repro.). Pastels and sauce pieces priced at $1500-$1800 for originals, and about $250 for giclees on arches. The big pastel of the woman in yellow dress on dark blue background was priced at $2500 ($550 for repro on arches). All the reproductions were stretched, if canvas or double-matted, if on paper. Then they were bagged or shrink-wrapped.
Friends said that the prices might be appropriate in a gallery. I'm thinking of keeping these prices for the venues I'm hoping to get into during October & November; the areas are affluent, and the populations aren't diluted with tourists.
Soooooo, we'll see. I've got lots to learn about pricing, marketing, (driving and parking a trailer), and learning to live with income arriving at it's leisure, rather than biweekly. But I'm excited about at least injecting my advertising into these populations. Hey! if I'm not generating enough interest in my art, then it's back to the drawing board, right?
Here's my exhibit at the WSOAE. The nice weather on this day didn't require putting up all the tarps, which is a pain.