Bare-chested boys?
I am curious if any of you have opinions regarding small boys or adolescent boys with no shirts on - whether this is appropriate for portraits. I have 2 on my website and Cynthia (I apologize for not haiving it in quotes, I do not still have the email) had felt that this was not a positive addition to my portfolio and that a more affluent clientele would not want this. This had never occured to me before. I have had mixed great responses to these two portraits from clients, usually a big smile and laughter. I always took that as good response, but maybe laughing at my painting shouldn't be what I am going for! I am just wondering if any of you have set opinions about this bare-chested issue. I'll post one as an example. This one is 18x24", oil, "Jake"
"Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes." - Maggie Kuhn
"If you obey all the rules, you'll miss all the fun." - Katherine Hepburn