Self-portrait for Jeff Fuchs
Since Jeff has graciously volunteered to be my 'peer mentor' I wanted to post the first try of an 18 x 24 self-portrait for feedback specifically on the black robes.
The robe is a dark black cotton cloth and the small 'rakusu' robe in front is a somewhat lighter/faded black garment sewn in a traditional patchwork fashion. The challenge is to adequately describe both and especially show as much of the patchwork in the rakusu as is appropriate given the lighting. The lighting, by the way, will be almost as dark as a traditional chiaroscuro, with the warmish light source coming from the upper left-hand side of the canvas.
The portait is being done completely from life (no photos used) under lighting which duplicates that in the temple, and the background is being done from sketches completed on location. The picture below is the result of a first layer which I wanted to use to just lay in a general value map of the clothing to see how is looks and whether or not I should take liberty with the light or forms to better describe the garments.
I apologize for the horrible quality of the camera and will try to borrow a better one for the next phase.
Thanks all!
Minh "No Longer Teacherless" Thong
(Student of Jeff Fuchs)