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Old 02-08-2006, 11:55 AM   #31
Sharon Knettell Sharon Knettell is offline
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Ode for Joy


As a moderator I have erased
whole sections of prose
from the Forum base,
whilst learning the skills of Cyberspace.

Welcome to our chat room ( my husband's words). I look forward as well as many here, to someone of your accomplishment and talent joining us.

I did not enter the Smithsonian contest but awhile ago I was rejected for a local show. Talk about a downer.
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Old 02-08-2006, 12:27 PM   #32
Michele Rushworth Michele Rushworth is offline
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Sharon wrote:
I did not enter the Smithsonian contest but awhile ago I was rejected for a local show. Talk about a downer.
They were probably looking for "anarchist feminist performance art" (the subject of a recent local show here).
Michele Rushworth
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Old 02-08-2006, 01:50 PM   #33
Joy Thomas Joy Thomas is offline
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Oh my goodness! Thank you all for sharing rejection stories, especially you Garth...now I call that gracious! I'm pleased as punch that you know about the sculpting competition Garth (wha-a-a? he won that too?)

Over 20 years ago, when I was setting up my art files, I decided to keep up with my Win/ Losses...so I had one file that said "Accepted" with a big happy face and another that said "Rejected" with a big sad face. It did not take long to trash that filing system as the Accepted File remained skimpy while the Rejected File expanded at an alarming rate! And besides that, I can't even keep up with my coffee cup, much less a bunch of extra papers.
My 26 year old daughter who lives in Los Angeles has been encouraging me to join this forum for years (she belongs to one all about PURFUME! can you imagine?) and wanted a report on how my introduction was going, so I started reading everything to her and she responded with lots of "Awww"..."That's so nice!" and "What great people, Mom, you are going to love this" then when I read my response to Garth...she shreiked "don't you dare post that, Mother!"...I argued that I suspected there would be no hard feelings, because everyone would relate. Then I said, "It's too late, dear...I've already done it." So I nervously looked this morning to see what everyone thought and what a relief..."Whew"

Now I must set the record straight on my leadership role...my advice was not solicitated by the good folks at the National Portrait Gallery, I just called them up when I caught wind of the whole thing a couple of years ago and interjected myself! I suspect it was just an attempt to "shoo me away" when they suggested that I submit my ideas in writing. Of course I threw myself into it like a mad woman and had some conversations (everyone was very nice actually). But to no avail. You know, I've been at this song and dance for ten years...in hopes that the societies, schools or some other organization might pick up the idea of a painting from life competition or event...of course I'm way too lazy to organize something like that myself.

BETH! BETH! BETH! How the heck are you! You computer diva, you! Yes, I am on the !#$% computer and you are partially to blame of course (after you and others shared such mirth over my 19th century forms of communications).

I bet you didn't even notice Beth, when Western Union announced that they would no longer offer their TELEGRAM sevice last week!! Horrors! So, I immediately joined this forum and bought a used FAX machine...I mean, I had no choice.
I do my part to keep time honored traditions alive...admit it Beth, you will miss those terse messages on yellow paper that you got from me.

And now that I don't have to pay for every word I say...How will I ever....STOP

Joy Thomas
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Old 02-09-2006, 01:57 PM   #34
Elizabeth Schott Elizabeth Schott is offline
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Holy Moly Joy, 1/2 days on the computer and you crash the whole forum! HA! I must say I had to laugh at the coincidence, well I still am laughing!

ETH! BETH! BETH! How the heck are you! You computer diva, you! Yes, I am on the !#$% computer and you are partially to blame of course (after you and others shared such mirth over my 19th century forms of communications).

I bet you didn't even notice Beth, when Western Union announced that they would no longer offer their TELEGRAM sevice last week!! Horrors! So, I immediately joined this forum and bought a used FAX machine...I mean, I had no choice.
I do my part to keep time honored traditions alive...admit it Beth, you will miss those terse messages on yellow paper that you got from me.
See I told you we shouldn't have shot that pony express guy!

You better watch out, Garth is going to get upset with the good response to your introduction replies. He watches these things, but he knows I still hold the record!

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Old 02-09-2006, 02:22 PM   #35
Garth Herrick Garth Herrick is offline
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Originally Posted by Elizabeth Schott
Holy Moly Joy,

You better watch out, Garth is going to get upset with the good response to your introduction replies. He watches these things, but he knows I still hold the record!

Well Beth, I am not upset, but I do watch these numbers with utter amazement from time to time. I've served my term at #1, and it's time for new and deserving talent here to showcase, don't you think?

Joy, you are on a roll! As I've suggested already, you are soon to shatter the record of responses here which currently sit at 43, but not for long it seems. Go for it! Soon enough you will be added to the four digit hall of fame too (Oh why did I start that silly thread?).


Last edited by Garth Herrick; 02-09-2006 at 02:26 PM.
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Old 02-09-2006, 02:50 PM   #36
Joy Thomas Joy Thomas is offline
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Well don't count on it...

Some of the forum members have not come through, they claimed to be on the take but obviously they had no intention of actually helping me fix this little "reply race".
--So it was money wasted on my part...bribes just aren't what they used to be!

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Old 02-09-2006, 06:31 PM   #37
Elizabeth Schott Elizabeth Schott is offline
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0H... well I still 0bserve that my 0ld, 0riginal intr0, 0f myself, 0bviously will 0ccupy the 0bscurest p0st, albiet s0me felt 0bligated t0 n0t 0mit me after my 0bseravation were made public.

They were nice en0ugh to 0ppose this 0ffensive treatment t0 said self, unless 0f c0urse they were 0rchestrated by Garth t0 0paquely 0bliterate my 0fficial intr0duction standings.

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Old 02-09-2006, 07:46 PM   #38
Joy Thomas Joy Thomas is offline
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What 's going on here? I failed to decode the cryptic talk....fill me in for heaven's sake!!!
I'm as lost as an Easter egg....

Joy Thomas
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Old 02-09-2006, 08:22 PM   #39
Elizabeth Schott Elizabeth Schott is offline
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Joy I used to hold the record for the "0" responses, but I believe it was broken because of Garth's thread, you'll need to read the "four digit hall of fame" to see what I 4-telling you 4 the moment.

Don't worry, Garth and Terri are likely the only ones that got it!
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Old 02-09-2006, 08:56 PM   #40
Joy Thomas Joy Thomas is offline
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Okey-Dokey now I see. Thanks for shedding light...Terri who?
Where is the 4-digit Hall of Fame? How do I get there?...
oh no! I'm still as lost as an easter egg. I know... I'll just type in my name and web address again, that should help

Joy Thomas
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