I think you may be right about the shoulder. I guess I am a little chicken! (Bock, bock

) I can see in my mind how it would look if it was pulled off sucessfully, but I am afraid that I'd end up making it look like something is missing or leaving some want of the other shoulder. Again, bock bock bock!
Unfortunately this wasn't a commission. (Still waiting to get some of those.) But, I am really glad to use this lady as a model! I saw her at the grocery store and couldn't resist, so I gave her my card and said to call if she was interested, then proceeded to run away. But she called and is even willing to sit for hours while I paint!
I will do as you suggested and experiment with the Wallis paper. This is my first time using it and I'm very happy with the results... boy does the stuff stick! I also bought 2 sticks of Sennelier just to try out on this one and was happy with the different feel from the Rembrandts, and can see now how I could use both differently.
I'm under the spell now! There goes my tiny bank account!
Here's an updated finished one (unless I get some guts on the shoulder). Just a couple finishing touches and the smoothing of the throat area.