I posted that in a hurry. Now I have time to respond to you.
Linda Brandon,
Yes, I'm using Ryder's techniques. I'm trying to adapt them to my own taste, though. I don't care for the crisp outlines his figures have. It goes against what you SOG folks have taught me about edges.
I'm also incorporating Daniel Greene's technique. It's kind of a hybrid. During the Ryder block-in I use Greene's attention to the "proportions of length".
Thanks for the Photoshop work. I had already started some of those changes, based on your description. I think it helped.
I wish I could draw a portrait in an hour or less. Maybe someday.
It's good that you meet friends' requests. $35 is a bargain. The reason I don't want to rush into charging is that I need the practice, and I don't want to discourage people from asking for portraits. I'm not working totally free, though. Linda is buying me a bottle of Kendall Jackson Grand Reserve.