08-08-2004, 01:27 AM
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Graduation Gift
Oil on ABS panel, 24" x 30"
08-08-2004, 01:47 AM
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Wow, Linda, this is beautiful. Great pose. You also successfully rendered a potentially distracting background (with no tangent lines!). Glad you posted the close-up, too; the sparkle in her eyes is captured wonderfully.
08-08-2004, 02:05 AM
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Linda, what a bold composition! What I am learning from you by looking at this is how a bold stripe pattern can be effectively kept in the background through the use of broken color. Well done! I am curious about your use of an ABS panel. How thick is it and how do you laminate it to a substrate support (plywood)? I have never tried working on ABS yet. Can you share more about what you like in working on ABS panels?
08-08-2004, 07:06 AM
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Oh Linda, she is beautiful! Your title has me curious. Did you do this as a gift? May I get on your Christmas list?
08-08-2004, 12:10 PM
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Oh, Linda, this is gorgeous - she is gorgeous. I am headed over to see this in person. What a stunning composition, color harmony, and what a painting.
08-08-2004, 01:08 PM
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This is masterful! One that deserves to be studied . Could you also post a closeup of the hands?
09-07-2004, 04:05 PM
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Hi Linda
Please add me to the list of admirers! This painting is fabulous - so beautifullly painted , and so beautifully composed. I hope you get much work from it. Thanks for sharing it. Wow just a great job....
09-08-2004, 05:23 PM
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Hi Cheryl,
Welcome to the Forum! I'm very flattered that you posted such kind words about my painting. I don't think of myself as a colorist and so I'm not sure you should follow my advice with your first foray into oils. I think my paintings all look pretty much the same no matter what colors I use, so there is some emotional/subconcious editing process that is taking place somewhere along the line. I don't try to match photos, for example; I'm always asking myself, does this color make the subject look alive? The second question I ask is, will this color make the viewer want to touch the painting? I'm always trying to get people to want to touch my paintings and if color will help in that process, I'll use it.
Isn't this the most non-intellectual approach to color that you've ever encountered?
So here's the palette for this painting - for me, it's pretty subdued:
Flake White
Yellow Ochre
Naples Yellow Deep (Old Holland)
Transparent Earth Red (Gamblin)
Irgazine Ruby (Ozog, no longer made by this company but now being made by Studio Products; see this post: http://forum.portraitartist.com/showthread.php?t=4680 )
Cerulean Blue Chromium (I love this for indoor flesh)
Ultramarine Blue
Permanent Sap Green
Raw Umber
Asphalutm (Gamblin)
Portland Grey Mediun (Gamblin)
Ivory Black
Thank you so much for posting such kind words, and how come we haven't seen your work on the Forum lately?
09-08-2004, 09:31 PM
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I'll be posting some paintings within the next month and hopefully will have more time to contribute to the board this fall. This summer has been busy and unfortunately, filled with stuff other than painting. I did complete 5 paintings, but haven't had the time to get them photographed. Thanks for asking !
09-08-2004, 11:15 PM
Juried Member<br>FT Pro
Joined: Sep 2004
Posts: 29
Thanks Linda!
I'll try one with those colors and see how it works out.
It won't be my first oil. I just haven't yet done any that are equal to my pastels (in my opinion.)
But I get requests for oils frequently, so I do need to improve with this medium.
I'm learning a lot from this forum and glad I finally decided to join it.
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