Dear Gina,
It's really up to you. If you post in the Unveilings section, your work will be open to comments by others, but they will be non-instructional in nature.
If you would like critical comment, you will need to post in the appropriate critique section. To post in critique, it is not necessary to be willing or able to repaint, just that you wish to learn what others would suggest by way of improvement, as well as understanding the things that are working for that particular painting.
Hopefully, you will glean information to help make your next painting a better one. If you will not be repainting the image you post, let people know, and let them know you would like feedback you might apply to future work.
Ideally, every painting each of us does is the best that we can do at that time. (I am sure many of us could spend the rest of our lives getting back older paintings to "fix" them, but then we'd never move forward!)
Before deciding whether you wish to post for a critique,
please read the introduction to critiques here:
Critique is not for everyone; only you can decide what is right for you.
Best wishes,