I just returned from vacation, a visit to my parents' home in Oklahoma, where I expected to be artistically underwhelmed.
However, I was lucky enough to see a contemporary invitational exhibit at the Cowboy Hall of Fame in Oklahoma City, the Prix de West. What beautiful work, and I had the added bonus of my husband and parents, upon seeing the prices listed for the art, encouraging me wholeheartedly (and misguidedly) to pursue this art of art.
I took my digital camera and shot through the entire gallery before the security guard informed me that that gallery was off limits, so I'll post some of the subversive photos here for your enjoyment. The exhibit catalog is available from the museum shop here.
It is money well spent.
The first two shots are a William Whitaker painting (a GREAT artist who sometimes visits this Forum), the last three are from the museum's permanent collection: Fechin, Remington (black and white oil study), and surprise, a Robert Henri.