My name is Carole and I'm very honored to be a part of this great place! I have stumbled across here once or twice over the years, but was pointed here by William Whitaker at his workshop this past January and am really in a place to value all I can learn here. I also had the fun of meeting Linda Brandon and Chris Saper at the workshop (hi!).. and learned
so much.
I've been painting for about 30 years, but let obstacles keep me from truly growing until 5 years ago when I decided to actively pursue success as an artist. I have tinkered with oils off and on for a couple years, but have jumped back in this year with more determination - again thanks a lot to the guidance and encouragement of Mr. Whitaker. I also do a lot with acrylics, and used to do more watercolor, prismacolor, graphite and pastel.
My primary subject has always been horses, my first passion, and I'm an associate member of the AAEA (American Academy of Equine Art). I actually do love painting many other things, but keep coming back to the equine subject. I have recently decided to focus more on people, since horses occasionally come with people attached (often on their backs). I also would enjoy offering the option to do people portraits when I feel up to speed.
I've actually only done two "human only" paintings, an oil study of a trainer from the local racetrack. He happened to block the horse I wanted to get a pic of but I loved his expression so much I tried to paint it - key word being "tried":
And a self portrait from life in oil done this January:
This is an oil painting of a jockey and horse in the post parade:
This is an acrylic piece of a horse head:
Thanks for letting me ramble!