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Old 11-11-2004, 06:17 AM   #1
Ilaria Rosselli Del Turco Ilaria Rosselli Del Turco is offline
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Finally back

Hi to all.
I am finally back after my computer has been hospitalized for three weeks, and internet cafe' is not the same thing!

I am posting some work from this summer: this is part one from a double portrait of my sister and her husband. He was calm and relaxed and sit for me willingly. My goal was to paint freely keeping the edges open. I am quite happy with the result, specially because it was painted entirely from life and not in my comfortable studio, I find it very much 'like him'.
The blue background makes the picture less serious and with a summery feeling, my sister's one has an ochre one that complements this one.

Patrizio was sitting in a patio garden under a pinewood, surrounded by very green grass, which reflects clearly on the right part of his face.
The painting is on linen, 35x40 cm.

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Old 11-11-2004, 12:36 PM   #2
Linda Brandon Linda Brandon is offline
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Welcome back, Ilaria! I always enjoy your work and I'm very impressed that you were able to complete this painting in one sitting. I like how you have kept his skin rugged and loose; personally, I like men's skin to be comparatively less finished than women's skin.

Two quick points: I would like to see more of a pupil in the eye on our left. I also think you should lower the value of the antihelix of the ear on our right, and possibly green it down a bit to push in back farther in space. And I know his head is tilted forward a bit, but that ear may still be too big for his head.
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Old 11-11-2004, 01:26 PM   #3
Ilaria Rosselli Del Turco Ilaria Rosselli Del Turco is offline
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Thank you

Linda, thank you for your useful comment. You are right, I will look back to that ear, I do have a photo of him in this position and will use it for reference.
I did not do this all in one go, we had four or five sittings, but yes, isn't it great to paint men? They are still a little vain like all of us, but less concerned of wrinkles or dark circles! And the stronger structure of the bones helps a lot with defining planes.
Thank you, I'll post again
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