Scraping off layers of paint?
I have an oil painting, still a little tacky on top - it's very messed up. Layers of oil paint that left ridges (since my original wasn't drawn correctly). I feel like I have gotten everything down fairly well now - at least enough that I do not want to scrap this and start over.
Unfortunatly the most prominent ridge is on the face. I tried turpentine to wipe it away, but the ridges are too dry. I have never had to do this before - is there any way to lessen these? I have wiped away paint when it was wet, but never tried anything after it was dry.
Any suggestions?
I could possibly build up the paint around these ridges, but I am not confident that it would look right. I do not paint completely smooth, but neither do I usually paint thickly.
"Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes." - Maggie Kuhn
"If you obey all the rules, you'll miss all the fun." - Katherine Hepburn