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Old 11-10-2002, 10:57 AM   #1
Mari DeRuntz Mari DeRuntz is offline
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John de la Vega's "Grand Piano Palette"

In a recent workshop, John de la Vega introduced his current 36-color-plus-white palette, which he recommends even to beginners, to minimize the need for mixing and retain purity of color.

Some of the colors he premixes and tubes himself; those mix ratios are in parentheses next to the color, as are any recommended brand names.

1. dark sap green mixture (1 thalo green, 2 burnt umber)
2. thalo green (Utrecht)
3. olive green (Old Holland)
4. cadmium green (Winsor & Newton)
5. thalo yellow green (Grumbacher)
6. baby green mixture (1 thalo yellow green, 1 cobalt blue light, 2 titanium white)
7. baby blue mixture (1 cobalt blue light, 4 titanium white)
8. turquoise blue deep (Old Holland)
9. cobalt blue light (Maimieri Classico)
10. thalo blue (Utrecht)
11. ultramarine blue deep (Gamblin)
12. winsor violet (dioxazine)
13. thio violet (Grumbacher)
14. cadmium red deep (Old Holland)
15. cadmium red deep (Lucas Studio Line)
16. vermillion extra (Old Holland)
17. cadmium orange mixture (1 cad red deep, 1 cad yellow)
18. cadmium yellow (Winsor & Newton)
19. cadmium yellow light (Lucas sorte 1 line)
20. raw sienna (Gamblin)
21. light brown mixture (1 raw sienna, 1 raw umber)
22. transparent oxide orange (Rembrandt)
23. burnt sienna deep (Blockx)
24. alizarin crimson (Utrecht)
25. burnt carmine deep (Rembrandt)
26. raw umber (Gamblin)
27. burnt umber (Gamblin)
28. lamb black (Winsor & Newton)
29. value 5 grey mixture (1 black, 4 white)
30. greenish neutral mixture (1/2 cad green, 3 raw sienna, 5 white)
31. Old Holland yellow medium (fantastic light fleshtone, mix 1/4 OH brilliant pink, 1/2 yellow ochre, 5 white)
32. yellow ochre (Utrecht)
33. Old Holland brilliant pink
34. Old Holland flesh ochre
35. quinachridone rose (Rembrandt)
36. manganese violet (Gamblin)

White - mix:
1 Old Holland cremnitz white
1 Grumbacher flake white
1 Permalba white
1 Winsor & Newton titanium white
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