This message must have slipped past all of us. Sorry for the late reply and hopefully it will still help.
There are two main types of grounds used on canvas and linen - an oil ground, and acrylic gesso ground.
The sizing of the canvas is generally used when you intend to apply an oil ground to the canvas and the sizing - either Rabbit Skin Glue, or a synthetic or PVA - protects the fabric from the oil which will rot it out over time. Typically an oil ground is formulated with white lead paint and some sort of additional whiting agent like Titanium. Many folks recommend waiting some time before painting over an oil ground (fat over lean and all that) as you want the ground to be completely dry before you apply additional layers. I have heard estimates as long as 6 months, however, I think two weeks would be sufficient if the ground was not too thick.
If you are applying acrylic gesso, then you need not size the fabric first, but can apply the gesso directly to the fabric as it forms the barrier that keeps your oils away from the fabric and it does not interact with the fabric at all. I would thin the first coat with 50% acrylic polymer medium so it will really soak in and be sure to use a professional grade gesso.
Just my opinion, but your verdaccio will go smoother if you do it in oils rather than doing it with your gesso.
Hope that helps!