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Old 10-20-2002, 05:31 PM   #11
Sharon Knettell Sharon Knettell is offline
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Feeling of light

Beth, you have already received so many helpful comments, I hesitate to add anything else. What I first noticed about this piece was that it lacked a feeling of light. To me one of the outstanding aspects of pastel is its ability to capture light.

The right side should be darker so the facial elements (i.e., eyes) become part of the form, and so the light on her cheek becomes more effective. The features have a tendency to look as they were all concentrated on and drawn separately.

Step back more often from your work so that you are more aware of the form instead of the details.

Quick adaptation of "the Boston School" method. Get photo to size of the artwork. Place reference side by side with work. Stand up when you are working and far enough back so the form is more important than the details. You can quickly see the disparities this way. I work 15'+ away, 5'-6' is good for a small head. Use a mirror for corrections.
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