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Old 10-18-2002, 12:26 PM   #6
Mai Ly Mai Ly is offline
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Hi Beth,

I agree with Linda that the painting gives an overall a cold feeling. Her forehead is looking flat, lacking of form. You need to look at the shading of the forehead again I think.


The subject's face: I think you need to put some raw sienna in her skin to warm it up, and some warmer brown in her shadow parts. The violet between her eyes is too cold. I would layer it slightly with a warmer pink/red to tone down the violet. The shadows on her chin, side of her face and forehead need some warm colours. The side that is facing the light source needs some raw sienna in it. Although the dominant colour is cool, it needs to be balanced with some warmer colour.

The subject's clothing: I would put some of the colours you used on the hair and face on her clothing. Use it little and sublty so that you don't actually alter the colour of the clothes but just enough to unify the colours of the painting.


I also agree with Linda that there is too much of a negative space on the girl's right side. It is the way that she extends her right knee. Right now, she also looks as if she is floating, not sitting. You need to put the window in to balance the painting. You can still keep the focus on the painting at the 'spot' that you referred to, and still have the window or something on her right hand side. Just don't use sharp edges, or colours that bring attention to that part of the painting.

I hope my suggestions help and have not confused you again. I think I did not a good job explaining the colour theory that in my previous posts, and can see still that you are confused with what I said.

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