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Old 10-16-2002, 01:41 PM   #5
Enzie Shahmiri Enzie Shahmiri is offline
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I love the muted green on your wall. It makes me want to repaint my studio, were it not such a hassle to get it cleaned out and organized.

Is there a reason that muted greens or browns are preferred in art studios or is this just a trend?

I am amazed that you can get away with reflection time. I run through the house and do my chores as fast as I can just to gain more time at the easel.
I literally live at the easel and already feel mighty guilty for it.

To reflect at one's progress and set goals is a wonderful idea. Setting goals is no problem for me, but reflection on how I am progressing makes me very depressed and unsatisfied. I think its safe to assume that most of us have idols whose work we admire and aspire to come close to, although their skills seem eons away from ours. How do you keep yourself from getting utterly frustrated?
Enzie Shahmiri
Professional Portrait Artist
Founder of Southern California Society of Portrait Artists
World Market Portraits Blog
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