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Old 10-08-2002, 01:19 PM   #10
Elizabeth Schott Elizabeth Schott is offline
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Thank you to all your posts. Michael, thanks for showing the wheel you produced, but tell me how it helps you as a tool? I find basic color wheels to be common sense to an artist. For me - my frustration is the subtle differences in color, not the overall scheme, rather complementary or analogous.

But say...using pastels here...I am going to reference Sennelier and Winsor & Newton, they have a slight variation in their (for lack of a better word) stepping of shades (temp). Sennelier N088, N0344, N019, N018, Winsor Tint 1285 AA, Tint 2 076 AA etc. I know there is a subtle difference between cool and warm, but sometimes it is hard to see. Maybe the manufactures put out a chart saying yes this really light color has a tad more yellow...but I missed this. This is my frustration, since the colors are "pre mixed", how the wheel will work for me.

Chris, I have tried to relate my colors to the "Quiller" but find it so inhibiting because it is such a mixed medium tool. I must just really be missing something here!

Cynthia, thanks for posting those, I checked out the pastel one, but couldn't really find what it was about. Maybe the answer to my problem is to just sit down and do the Wilcox journal.

Chris, is Daniel Greene an artist here or someone you studied under?
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