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Old 10-02-2002, 11:08 PM   #4
Lon Haverly Lon Haverly is offline
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Yes, "smudging" is key for me in pastel. But, I do it all at the beginning. I use smooth 60lb paper, and lay it out with conte pastel pencil. Then, I like to apply directly very bold chunks of dark colors leaving white paper between. I use flexible fabric bandaids on my fingertips to blend it all together into a watercolor-like flurry of color. Then, I detail with conte.

My average pastel portrait is twenty minutes. I work in public with non-professional (if that's what I can call them) models. I rarely do anything as tight and nice as your first portrait on your other post in pastel. But I have a certain niche. It is fun.
Lon Haverly
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