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Old 11-29-2015, 07:02 PM   #3
Terri Ficenec Terri Ficenec is offline
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Hi John..
This was a project for a small novice painting class, so we started with gridding -- which I don't normally do, but I thought that would help give the students a decent drawing to start from. We are using a very limited palette of Gamblin colors:
* Quinacridone Red,
* Ultramarine Blue,
* Phthalo Green,
* Hansa Yellow Medium, and
* Radiant White
--all transparent, except for the white. The limited colors were mostly because I wanted the students to start to get a feel for the properties of the colors they are working with... how they mix, how the transparency vs. not changes the way the paint looks/feels on the canvas. The phthalo green is there mostly as it is a clean complement to the quinacridone red and makes a deep transparent black (This is essentially the same black/pigments as Gamblin's chromatic black... and I'm also allowing them to use the chromatic black as a time-saver, now that they are comfortable mixing it). This isn't my normal palette, but I'm actually finding it pretty versatile and that it produces pretty nice flesh tones!

Because it's for a class, I DID take photos along the way of both my work and the students', though I didn't take a shot of the initial gridding/drawing before any paint. Here's a link to my demo in progress:

Note: Use the forward/back arrow buttons to see different stages of the painting...

The initial drawing with paint is done in a warm deep brown... a mix of black, with added red and yellow... I don't consider this exactly a 'grissaille'... I'm not sure I really know how to do that... Note that I left the shaded side of the turban fairly light in the initial stage because, I knew that the transparent blue over that warm dark would turn to essentially black and I wanted to keep that dark cooler/blue-er. The scattered darks that are there initially are where I wanted deeper darks to come through the blues. . .
Terri Ficenec
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