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Old 04-06-2015, 12:47 AM   #6
Michael Georges Michael Georges is offline

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Joined: Nov 2001
Location: Loveland, CO
Posts: 846
Hello Judson,

Thanks for posting this painting! I like the composition! Quite engaging!

I am wondering if this self portrait was done from photo reference? The reason why I ask is that there are such strong shadows in the piece that are more indicative of photography than of life. On my monitor it looks like you used a lot of extreme darks in your paint, if not outright black. Black is so strong and you rarely see it with your eye.

I am also seeing that overall your value transitions are quite sharp and likely over defined. Another quality of some photographs. You capture such a nice roundness to the forehead. That is very well done! The rest of the face again appears to be in too dark a shadow with the values overstated from what you might see with your eye. Again, I stress that I am seeing it at 5 inches on a computer the photo of the painting with the actual to see if my comments make sense.

The shadow of the head on the neck and shirt appears to me too dark and too sharp. Shadows are darkest closest to the form and they lighten and soften a bit as they fall away from the form. Shadows again on the shirt, the arm closest and the knee appear to be overstated.

You did a marvelous job with the backdrop, though, again obvious hung backdrops imply photography. Some argue that painted portraiture tries to approach life rather than photography, and so smiles on subjects, obvious photograph props, etc. are eschewed in painting...again, by some...and it cannot always be avoided.

Your rendering of the chair is well done and the shadow falling on the headrest and of the overall form on the backdrop are very subtle and very well done!

Overall it is a nice work! I hope you take my comments as they were intended, as helpful advice aimed at improving your work and not bashing you or your work. Again, I stress that I am looking at this at 5 inches tall on a monitor, and so compare to the painting and hopefully my comments will help!
Michael Georges
Michael's Life Drawing & Painting Blog

Regular and consistent work from life will improve your portraits.
Drawing skills are the foundation of all an artist does.
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