Hi Elizabeth,
I like the painting very much, and the background too. Just a few suggestions, if you think the background is distracting, just remember that things are more blurry, less detailed, when farther away. Warmer colours appear closer and cooler colours for farther objects. The black figure on the right is a bit harsh. I am not sure if it black, but it appears so on my monitor. For darker figures, I don't use black, rather I would probably use violet, cool brown. For the red figures at the back, try to cool it down a bit with a cooler red tones, violet. The yellow posts at the back need to be toned down a bit...Yellow always seems to come forward because it is a warm colour.
I am no expert, but those are my suggestions. I like the painting overall. I have always wanted to painting something similar for my daughter, but have not had the opportunity to do so.