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Old 11-15-2012, 01:10 PM   #8
Muhammad Sida Muhammad Sida is offline
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Lol, well I Forgot about this article completely, It was wiped from my memory because of 3D.
Man those little snippets on page 3 are quite awsome, of course I won't find some of these materials here in Egypt so I'll just have to order them I geuss.
I wouldn't have known anything about him if it weren't for a book I found in the AUC bookstore here in cairo...
The things some of his contemporary art critics said about him were just comical...and sad.

No I havn't done any work on it since I posted this for a few reasons,
1st the paint texture was bothering me so I needed to soften it or make the surface smooth enough and I wasnt really sure how to approach it.

2- When I tried to oil out a few areas the Oil just acts as if it was like water on an oily surface which was strange, I did not use any waterbased pigments in there.

And I got a bit busy with a couple of portraits, one of them was finished yesterday.

I think I'll use Bouguereau's approach with the pallet knife for the paint texture. thanks dude for telling me about the article that was very helpful

I do tend to exaggerate the chroma a bit when I paint, I feel better about the painting when I do that VS painting it dull and it is much easier to just glaze over them to bring them down,
And layers beneath influence the glazed colors above them so I tend to do it always when I'm building up my painting layers.

I'll be working on this pretty soon and I'll post its latest progress.
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