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Old 10-20-2012, 08:36 PM   #1
Muhammad Sida Muhammad Sida is offline
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Master copies After William Bouguereau*Work in progress....Oil on paper/canvas

Hello everyone, I've always admired Bouguereau since I was 21 years old...
One of my modern artist collegues once called me a "chocolate painter" because of my admiration for the man's work. Kept saying that his work was too smooth, not painterly like or whatever...

Anyway, WB paintings were intimidating to me, I never dared to copy him in oil....only in drawings or colored pencils..which i at the time used to copy a rembrandt, but that would be me sidetracking again.

He's still intimidating, but I've been learning to put it aside for this master copy I'm in progress of doing this week, I needed to learn from this painting.

So the painting I'm copying is the painting of "Madame la Comtesse de Cambaceres" painted in 1895. I'm painting it from a highquality photoprint...dimentions are 20x27.5cm
My Painting is also 20x27.5cm.
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