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Old 09-29-2002, 11:21 AM   #9
Enzie Shahmiri Enzie Shahmiri is offline
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Joined: Sep 2002
Location: Laguna Hills, CA
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Hi Mark!

Although this was posted a while ago I will tell you the things I have tried. I have joined several local art associations and try to participate in any show that attracts the public. My work, along with brochures and business cards is on display several times a year at the local libraries and community centers. I did fund raisers and I have also post cards and sell them to just about everyone who is interested.

NOW, you might think "WAU" this lady is ambitious, but all I seem to be doing is a lot of hauling. To tell you the truth I get a lot of people standing in front of my work with positive comments, but absolutely no buyers.

I went online and found artists who work in a similar style as mine and after collecting hundreds of prices for various sizes came up with an average rate to charge. After that didn't work I really reduced the prices and still nothing!

All I can say to you is "Hang in there!" I know people like my work otherwise they wouldn't stand in front of it for 5 minutes and ask me tons of questions. In this economy everybody seems to watch what they spend a little closer and I guess for many a portrait is a true luxury.

So to make a long story short, there are different venues you might try to get your work noticed. Good luck!
Enzie Shahmiri
Professional Portrait Artist
Founder of Southern California Society of Portrait Artists
World Market Portraits Blog
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