Thread: Leaving
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Old 06-15-2011, 01:35 AM   #2
Meera Bakshi Meera Bakshi is offline
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thumbs up Amazing!!

Originally Posted by Mara Schasteen
Hi friends! I took a very long break from my figurative and portrait efforts to concentrate on learning to paint exclusively from life. Mostly, that means I have been painting things like teacups and flowers for the past two years. As I gain confidence, I've now more recently begun to paint portraits and figures from life. I got the itch to paint my little one before she grew too big, so I took some time out to compose this painting, "Leaving," about her life and all that she is and will become. Thought I'd share here.

19" x 13" ~ Oil on linen
Wow! It is a wonderful painting! You have captured all details of light and shadows on wood and floor. It inspires me to do something like this for my grand daughters! They are ( of my elder son's) 5 and 2 years of age and (younger son's) 2 years old girls.
Thanks for sharing. I am a member here since long but have not been able to keep up logging in! I will try to be here more often.
Meera Bakshi
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