Thread: A real crisis
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Old 05-06-2011, 11:42 AM   #6
Patricia Joyce Patricia Joyce is offline
'09 Third Place PSOA Ohio Chapter Competition
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Laurel, Clayton and Marvin,
How to thank you for your input, it is invaluable. First off, sorry if I gave the impression that I started and threw out four canvasses in one day, this has been a difficult single commission that I have started and abandonded four times over the course of a year.

But after reading your comments, especially yours, Marvin, I should never have destroyed my painting yesterday. I know it will help me immensely to take your workshop again. I may be your most active workshop attendee Marvin, probably taken more workshops with you than any other student you have! But I learn so much and unfortunately, I forget so much in between

Well, I am now encouraged to begin again.
Ever the struggling student......
Pat Joyce
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