Thanx for the reply, Steven.
I'll take into consideration some of the points you brought out about the shadow.
Though in the reference pic it really isn't there, it's just the warm tone that I painted, but this is maybe a problem of the picture and perhaps one should be there.
The round object to the right is going to be a saw blade, it will go darker, as so not to be such a distraction.
Thanx on the compliments for tonal quality. I have already figured a lot of things I would do diferently on the next one. Being the first, consider it good training ground and chalk it up as experience.
Oh the white space above... no, you're not looking out into a snowy yard. It's more wall with shelfing that hasn't been painted in yet.
All in all, I am well pleased with this first effort, and with some practice with color I am looking forward to the next one already. Each one is another step in the journey... the fun part is enjoying the ride.