Michele & Steven,
I have begun softening; thanks for the advice and response. Are we all eyeballers (I really need to find a proper term, this sounds so uneducated)? Is that how you do your work? So is it then that it just takes practice to become consistent? Do you have a usual starting point and measure features, jawline, etc. from that point, or do you sketch out the entire form and then add the details? Hope I'm not over stepping my bounds and asking a magician the secrets of his/her tricks.

I just really want to learn.
I'd like a gin and tonic please! I can picture myself at the bar (after I've flashed my ID 5 or 6 times, which is not far from the truth) my head in my hands while I mull over this perplexing statement! If I weren't concerned with getting a likeness from the very start of the painting/ drawing I might have a real good chance as an abstract expressionist. I am starting to think it may just take practice, and practice, and experience. Guess, I just expect to be perfect at it right now so I can try to make a living, instead of going with the flow more and being patient.
Thanks for the caricature tip. And for everything you picked up on. I think the "looking back and forth" method is pretty much what I do. But maybe I need to work on spending more time with my eyes on the reference. You're so right about the lower lip and that is one that I had overlooked. I have started working on the cheeks. You have also pointed out something so invaluable by stating about the "structure" of the face, you made me realize that I am always looking at a photo as a 2-d object and working to just transfer what I see into a 2-d drawing and forget that it is a 3-d subject I am potraying. Thanks for that! I think that will be a huge help! I'm going to work on my values, keeping in mind the facial planes. And for all future work, when working from a photo I'll keep in mind the planes and that they are 3-D, they are 3-D, they are 3-D (my new mantra!).
You are so kind to take so much time to help! Thank you! Also, well this is a little embarrassing, but what are plumb lines?