Hi Dianna,
It looks like you're working here from a photo taken with a flash - which is washing out and flattening the subtle contours of her face; and even her shoulder appears on the same plane. . . not the best reference to work from!
In terms of improving this particular piece, i'd suggest a few quick changes:
1) I don't mind the black background so much, but find it disconcerting how the top of her head is 'cut-off' - the pony tail could help somewhat to suggest that there is more head there, but even that reads a bit too low to me? In terms of improving this piece, I'd suggest you consider indicating somehow the overall shape of her head in the darkness there. . .
2)You might consider pulling that shoulder a little more forward & giving the shirt a more saturated color besides the near-flesh tone that it is... also the bulge in the shirt at the front of her neck isn't flattering - somehow it makes her neck look thick?
3) (this one isn't really a change suggestion - more of an observation!) You've handled her features very delicately, though, rather than reflecting the varying colors of skin in light & shadow, the contours of her face (on my screen anyway) read in shades of black & flesh tones and somehow gives the overall image a feel like an old 'colorized' photograph, or a drawing with color added in... (does that make sense?) almost nostalgic - but not sure if that's a look you were going for?
So anyway -- i'd suggest just those couple quick changes to polish this up a little, but then that you consider doing another portrait of this little cutie but start with a reference in natural light & with a more directional light source. (There's whole discussions about this in the reference photography section) You've obviously got a very delicate hand and good eye, and I'll bet starting with better reference you could produce something really special! You might also consider doing a couple of quick color studies of her while she plays as you'll likely get a different sense of her coloring working from life than you will from a photo. . .