Without going deeper than the Soluvar MSDS sheet, (which does not identify the acrylic resin) it appears it is the equivalent of Gamvar, an acrylic resin soluble in mineral spirits.
Thank you for your kind words, John. The only agenda I propose on art fora, when I can, is to help painters in oils become more knowledgeable about their materials on their own terms, in a useful manner, rather than blindly following hearsay, opinion, or commercial hype.
It's not difficult to perform your own tests of materials, and it is becoming more necessary to be a "QC" guy in your own studio as traditional, proven materials are supplanted by those which are more agreeable for manufacturers' bottom lines than what's "best" for painting: e.g., the widespread use of safflower oil as a vehicle in paints as opposed to high quality linseed oils, and the near-disappearance of true pure spirits of gum turpentine, now supplanted by solvents produced from steam-distilling forest wastes.