Hi Mara,
I agree that you were asked to paint what is nearly impossible. While I have never painted moving rock stars I do go plein air painting at night. Some of my favorite places to paint are carnivals. The lighting is so odd and there is so much color it is a real feast for the eyes.
Here are some tips for any one who wants to attempt nightime painting.
Use a limited palette. I use three primaries plus white and lay them out the same way every time. Doing this makes it easy to know the value limits of the palette. With only the three colors available I know exactly what each color will do even if I can't see that well. Night time painting really comes down to trusting your palette.
Use a clip on light on your palette and your canvas. I use a full spectrum "Mighty Bright". I have a pochade box so I can place the lights on the edge of the box.
Bring bug spray. Of course when you paint at night with a light in a secluded area every bug around comes to visit. Usually they bite me before they throw themselves into the paint.
Good luck with your commission.