Thread: Tumbling Woman?
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Old 09-23-2002, 10:39 PM   #25
Jim Riley Jim Riley is offline
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I'm missing something! Who has imposed or suggested any form of obvious "censorship"in this Forum while, at the same time, defending the right of others to say what they wish? There seems to be a contradiction here. I for one would hope that short of bad behavior, language, or the like, participants should be able to present their full arguement. I can handle it.

I like Monet's quote: "we are after all, just craftsmen". It is my belief that so to are Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, and most all professions for that matter. And conversely, as Mr. Henri suggested in my earlier post, "art is the province of all human beings". Why suggest that "an artist rights to express themselves are not really all that important"? My training as an artist served me very well in the corporate world where my opinions were given more than fair consideration. As fine artists, I would hope that each of us would do our best to bring a larger perspective to events large or small and even tragic.

The observation that a public display of art/sculpture gains a differing response than a piece introduced in a gallery/museum is interesting. The response to Fischl's work of course was immediate and comes from a public grouping not predisposed to weigh its intent or value. On the other hand it does seem to be the advantage of major public works that it does reach many more than the relatively small numbers of people who visit our sometimes musty archives known as museums.
Jim Riley
Lancaster Pa. Portrait Artist
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