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Old 07-11-2009, 10:38 AM   #3
Debra Jones Debra Jones is offline
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Joined: Jan 2002
Location: Arizona
Posts: 457
I find posting in other than oil painting is no mans land. If I miss you as a new painting, it my never get seen again the way I have my computer settings. I also think we have a lot more readers than posters here. Me being one. A comment is all I can muster, as I am not so sure any critique I give is going to be relevant to your work. I have my own prejudices which are not mainstream and in this economy, maybe not the one to listen to!

I like the straight forward color, bright and suitable to a child. I even would swear I know this little one. She doesn't live in Arizona does she?

Final thought: No news is good news! If we have nothing to say, perhaps it requires no other comment! Quite a sweet portrait.
Because some people have four legs.
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