Thread: Tumbling Woman?
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Old 09-23-2002, 06:05 PM   #20
Mike McCarty Mike McCarty is offline
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To me there is an interesting aspect to this as it relates to a recent "art episode" in NYC. Do we all remember the painting smeared with you know what that appeared in a NYC gallery, and the stink that accompanied that? My recollection is that the "art piece" survived all the hubub.

The distinction here is that in the above mentioned episode the art was within the confines of a gallery. Within the perview of those things artistic. You could make a specific effort to see it or you could ignore it completely.

With regard to the falling woman statue, the "art" was taken and placed into the public domain. Thus taking it out of the "artistic" confines of the gallery and eliminating the choice to see or to ignore. We got a much different response and a much different outcome.
Mike McCarty
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