Thread: Tumbling Woman?
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Old 09-23-2002, 05:06 PM   #19
Michael Fournier Michael Fournier is offline
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I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will always agree with your right to say it.

To create a piece of art that is your own interpretation of an event is simply that. The interpretation of the event as you saw it or felt it. This statue is not meant to be a literal interpretation of the event, but to be the artist emotional interpretation of it. Now I am not sure how successful he was at portraying the event in a way that speaks to all who see it, but you or I can not judge how sincere his efforts or motives were.

Now, as to its removal, the owners of the Rockefeller Center can do whatever they want. After all it is their property it is displayed on. But to say the artist should not have created it or to order its destruction - that would be censorship. As for its artistic value, well I have seen worse. I think I have to agree with Jim.
Michael Fournier
[email protected]
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