Why not work for Disney?
This thread could be an extension of the discussion on Freud's painting of the Queen. For those that ascribe bad motives to anything that differs from their views and concepts of art and the world should write or illustrate fairy tales. It seems to be a common response to things that challenge or provoke to relate them to all kinds of sins. Why are Fischl's efforts and those associated with it demoted to shameless and "enlightened" idiots? Once again it's suggested that some large conspiracy continues for the sole purpose of eliminating representational art by furthering their own cause. Who could argue that one of "the purposes of art is to heal and to elevate the human condition" but the list of artists that fit that lofty description can't be large and seems to be a rather short description of what we do.
I like Henri's definition: "Art when really understood is the province of every human being. It is simply a question of doing things, anything, well. It is not an outside, extra thing. When the artist is alive in any person, whatever his kind of work may be, he becomes an inventive, searching, daring, self-expressing creature. He becomes interesting to other people. He disturbs, upsets, enlightens, and he opens ways for a better understanding. Where those who are not artists are trying to close the book, he opens it, shows there are still more pages possible..."
I don't care much for Fischl's effort but I hope my world is not so small as to define it by my beliefs and what I am inclined to do. Unless you do harm I will defend your right and will, until I see otherwise, assume your intentions are honest.